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If you’re thinking of starting your very own blog, but just don’t have a clue on what to blog about, then fear not!
In this article, I have included a whole load of blog examples from a wide variety of different niches.
Since the beginning of the internet, millions and millions and millions of blogs have been created. Many have died due to lost interest or their owners giving up on the idea, while others have thrived and continue to grow, making money and earning their owners a steady income. It’s a constant evolution of content that keeps people coming back for more, especially if these blogs contact highly resourceful material that people find useful and interesting.
Each example listed in this blog post are all different in some way and all bring something unique to their readers & subscribers. I want to show you what is possible and how you can take inspiration from them and create an awesome blog of your own.
Some of these blogs make over $100k a month, others are just a hobby for their owners, but all have the same purpose at their core… the love of writing and sharing information.

Want to Start Your Own Blog?

Remember that it doesn’t cost the earth to start your own blog. You can be up and running for as little as $1.45 per month with Hostinger.
Bluehost offer web hosting, Free SSL, Email, web builder and a FREE DOMAIN for as little as $2.95 a month.
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Examples of Frugal Blogs

Frugality blogs have really taken off in the past 3 years, mainly down to the state of the global economy. Saving money and being frugal with your wages is extremely popular as people have less and less money these days after paying rent, mortgage, bills etc. Creating a frugal / save money blog can also be a big earner for you, especially if you choose a good angle to take on this niche. The following examples all have really good angles. They target a specific demographic and they create content that they will love, share and take action with. Those actions can make you money through affiliate links, Google Ads and coupons.

Miss Thrifty

One of the more popular frugal blogs in the UK, Miss Thrifty is targeting young mums with her money saving, frugal tips and articles. And rightly so! The market is massive and she’s meeting a need for this type of information. Young mums aren’t exactly rolling in cash. They may have had to give up work and are now relying on just one wage coming in, so the need to be more frugal with everyday living is a must.
The great thing about this blog is the conversational tone and the real person behind the brand. I think it’s inspiring to other mums to see someone like them making such a difference in other people’s lives by creating amazingly useful content that is 100% actionable. Also it may inspire mums to set up their own blog and to write about their experiences as a mother and a wife in the 21st century.

Skint Dad

So when I talk about coming at a niche from a different angle, this example is exactly what I mean. Skint Dad is a site that helps young / new dads save money and be more frugal in their day to day living. There’s also a section on their that shows guys how to make a little more cash on top of their monthly day job wage, which is vital in some cases just to keep your head above water.  A lot of new dads have the added stress of not having their wives’ or girlfriends’ wage coming in each month, due to the temporary career change in being a full time mum of a baby. So having some content around how they can make a few extra “Ps” in their wallet each month, can ease the burden somewhat.

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